
From info319


Text books:

  • Rob Kitchin. The Data Revolution - A Critical Analysis of Big Data, Open Data and Data Infrastructures, 2nd Edition. Sage, 2021.
    • chapters 1, 3-5, 13-14, 17-19 are mandatory (12 and 15-16 are supplementary)


Selected papers will become available here, including:

  • Section 1 in Opdahl, A. L., & Nunavath, V. (2020). Big Data. Big Data in Emergency Management: Exploitation Techniques for Social and Mobile Data, 15-29. Book chapter
  • Gallofré, M., Opdahl, A. L., Stoppel, S., Tessem, B., & Veres, C. (2021). The News Angler Project: Exploring the Next Generation of Journalistic Knowledge Platforms. In Proceedings of Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning. Short Paper and poster: File:A1-Poster-NIKT2021.pdf


  • Opdahl, A. L., & Tessem, B. (2021). Ontologies for finding journalistic angles. Software and Systems Modeling, 20(1), 71-87. Paper
  • Berven, A., Christensen, O. A., Moldeklev, S., Opdahl, A. L., & Villanger, K. J. (2020). A knowledge-graph platform for newsrooms. Computers in Industry, 123, 103321. Paper
  • Design Science in Information Systems Research by Alan R. Hevner, Salvatore T. March, Jinsoo Park and Sudha Ram. MIS Quarterly 28(1):75-105, March 2004. (You need to be on UiB's network to access the link - I have uploaded it under Files in, but it may soon be deleted from there...)
  • Hevner, A. R. (2007). A three cycle view of design science research. Scandinavian journal of information systems, 19(2), 4. File:Hevner2007-ThreeCycleView-SJIS.pdf

Technical introductions

Selected web pages will become available here, including:


Lecture slides

See the Session page for lecture slides after each session.

Readings for each session

The Sessions page will suggest specific readings for each session and its associated exercise.