Install Kafka on the cluster
Install Zookeeper
On each instance, go to . Download and unpack a recent binary distribution to ~/volume. For example:
cd ~/volume wget tar zxvf apache-zookeeper-3.8.0-bin.tar.gz rm apache-zookeeper-3.8.0-bin.tar.gz ln -fns apache-zookeeper-3.8.0-bin zookeeper
Configure Zookeeper
On your local computer, create the file
dataDir=/home/ubuntu/volume/zookeeper/data clientPort=2181 maxClientCnxns=200 tickTime=2000 initLimit=20 syncLimit=10
From your local computer, upload:
scp spark-driver: scp spark-worker-1: scp spark-worker-2:
We will not run zookeeper on spark-worker-3, because the number of hosts must be odd to allow majority voting.
You can also run this as a bash-loop:
for host in spark-{driver,worker-{1,2}}: ; do scp $host: ; done
In any case, you need to run this loop on your local computer, to set the "id" of each zookeeper (and later kafka) node:
i=1 for host in spark-{driver,worker-{1,2,3}}: ; do echo $i > myid; scp myid $host; ((i++)); done
On each instance except spark-worker-3, add addresses from /etc/hosts to
mv ~/ ~/volume/zookeeper/conf/ i=1 for line in $(grep spark- /etc/hosts | cut -d" " -f1 | head -3); do echo "server.$i=$line:2888:3888"; ((i++)); done >> ~/volume/zookeeper/conf/ mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/volume/zookeeper/data mv ~/myid /home/ubuntu/volume/zookeeper/data
Set ZOOKEEPER_HOME and add bin/ to PATH:
export ZOOKEEPER_HOME=/home/ubuntu/volume/zookeeper export PATH=${PATH}:${ZOOKEEPER_HOME}/bin cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc-bkp-$(date --iso-8601=minutes --utc) echo "export ZOOKEEPER_HOME=/home/ubuntu/volume/zookeeper" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export PATH=\${PATH}:\${ZOOKEEPER_HOME}/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
Test run zookeeper
On spark-driver and -worker-1 and -2: start ${ZOOKEEPER_HOME}/conf/
This will start zookeeper in the background on each host. Afterwards, check its status: status ${ZOOKEEPER_HOME}/conf/
One of the zookeepers is the leader, the two others are followers. In case of trouble, check ${ZOOKEEPER_HOME}/logs/ .
To stop zookeeper, do status ${ZOOKEEPER_HOME}/conf/
on each host.
Install Kafka
On each instance (including spark-worker-3), go to . Download and unpack a recent binary distribution to ~/volume. It is practical, but not critical, to install a Kafka that runs on the same Scala version as your Spark. If you want to know the Scala version of your installed Spark, you can check this file:
ls $SPARK_HOME/jars/spark-sql*
For example, .../spark-sql_2.12-3.3.0.jar means that you run Scala 2.12 and Spark 3.3.0.
On each instance:
cd ~/volume wget tar xzvf kafka_2.12-3.3.1.tgz rm kafka_2.12-3.3.1.tgz ln -fns kafka_2.12-3.3.1 kafka
Configure Kafka
On each instance, configure Kafka:
cp ~/volume/kafka/config/ ~/volume/kafka/config/ sed -i "s/$(cat /tmp/zookeeper/myid)/g" ~/volume/kafka/config/ export ZOOKEEPER_HOSTLIST=$(grep spark- /etc/hosts | cut -d" " -f1 | head -3 | paste -sd,) echo "export ZOOKEEPER_HOSTLIST=\$(grep spark- /etc/hosts | cut -d\" \" -f1 | head -3 | paste -sd,)" >> ~/.bashrc sed -i "s/zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181/zookeeper.connect=$ZOOKEEPER_HOSTLIST/g" ~/volume/kafka/config/ local_ip=$(ip -4 address | grep -o "^ *inet \(.\+\)\/.\+global.*$" | grep -o "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+" | head -1) ; \ echo "$local_ip" >> ~/volume/kafka/config/
Set KAFKA_HOME and add bin/ to PATH:
export KAFKA_HOME=/home/ubuntu/volume/kafka export PATH=${PATH}:${KAFKA_HOME}/bin cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc-bkp-$(date --iso-8601=minutes --utc) echo "export KAFKA_HOME=/home/ubuntu/volume/kafka" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${KAFKA_HOME}/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
Test run Kafka
Ensure Zookeeper is still running (or restart it) on the three nodes. On all four nodes: -daemon ${KAFKA_HOME}/config/
(It is a good sign if nothing happens.)
Here are some test commands you can run on the different instances: --create --topic test --replication-factor 2 --partitions 3 --bootstrap-server ${MASTER_NODE}:9092 --list --bootstrap-server ${MASTER_NODE}:9092
Run these two commands on different instances:
bin/ --topic test --bootstrap-server ${MASTER_NODE}:9092 bin/ --topic test --bootstrap-server ${MASTER_NODE}:9092 --from-beginning
Task 2: Run the full Twitter pipeline from Exercise 3. Tips:
- You need to create virtual environment to download packages, specifically tweepy, kafka-python, and afinn.
- You need to create keys/bearer_token with restricted access.
- With the default settings, it can take time before the final join is written to console. Be patient...
- Start-up sequence from spark-driver:
# assuming zookeeper and kafka run already # create kafka topics --create --topic tweets --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic media --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic photos --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 # optional monitoring --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic tweets --from-beginning & --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic media --from-beginning & --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic photos --from-beginning & # main programs python # run this repeatedly or modify to reconnect after sleeping python & # this one can run in background spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.3.0 &
Because you no longer use findspark, you need to use the --packages option with spark-submit. Make sure you use exactly the same package as you did with findspark.add_packages(...).
Web UIs
Assuming that is the IPv4 address of spark-driver, you can access zookeeper's very simple web UI at .
Kafka has no built in web UI, but third-party UIs are available.