Apache Hadoop and MapReduce

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Hadoop and MapReduce


  • Getting up and running with Apache Hadoop and MapReduce
  • Getting experience with non-trivial installation
  • Writing and running your own first program

For a general introduction, see the slides to Session 3. We will follow this tutorial closely: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.8.0/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/MapReduceTutorial.html .


You will run Hadoop standalone on your computers. Running Hadoop on a cluster of many computers is harder to set up (and you will need a cluster of computers), but after that, the coding and running of code is the same. So the jobs we will run on small datasets on a single computer will scale to large datasets on clusters of many powerful computers.

Follow these preparations to install Hadoop on your Linux or Windows-machine. If you are on MacOS, it runs BSD Unix under the hood, so most Linux-commands should work in a Terminal window on your Mac too.
