Course wiki for INFO319

From info319
Revision as of 15:01, 16 August 2022 by Sinoa (talk | contribs)

This wiki (under development) contains practical information about INFO319 - Big Data in the autumn of 2022, including readings and exercises.

  • Readings: In addition, the sessions page proposes specific readings for each session.
  • Sessions: The course comprises 8 full-day seminars. The sessions involve lectures, demos, student presentations, and practical work.
  • Exercises: Exercises related to the sessions. Solutions to the exercises can form the backbone of the mandatory group assignment.
  • Assessment: The course assessment has three parts:
    • Portfolio evaluation (55%)
    • Oral presentations of essay and group assignment (15%)
    • Written exam (3 hours) (30%)
  • Essay: One part of the portfolio evaluation is "an individual, theoretical essay with thoughtful research and discussion of an assigned topic".
  • Practical group assignment: Another part of the portfolio evaluation is "practical assignment in groups". Solutions to the suggested exercises can form the backbone of the practical group assignment.
  • Required participation: Participation in 80% of course seminars is mandatory. Participation in the two last sessions is also mandatory (because the oral presentations are part of the course assessement):
  • Administrative/formal: For formal and administrative information, see UiB's Study Portal.



For questions that are not strictly personal, always use the discussion forum (requires login) at If I receive general questions about INFO319 by email, I will answer them in the forum anyway, so it is fastest to post them directly there.